
Get The Support You Need to Succeed!

Every year, thousands of individuals hailing from various companies, large and small, reach out to us at iTrain Asia to enquire about a relevant Certification training or exam that can help them certify their abilities and capture new opportunities for their company. But ‘enquiry’ is just the beginning… The next important step involves getting support and approval from employers, or in larger companies, the HR department in order to block out days at a time for them to sit for training and examination.

For starters, we’ve prepared a Sample Proposal you can use to convince your boss or HR department to approve and support your request for training. Click “Download Request Employer for Training: Proposal” to start creating and customizing your special request right away!

Join forces with us!

iTrain Asia Pte. Ltd works with an ever-widening network of Authorised Training Providers (ATPs) and Academy Partners (AAPs) to roll out high-quality digital tech certifications, exams, training and courseware to the masses.

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